

1 . 認識鎮平
      1-1 . 學校願景
      1-2 . 學校沿革
      1-3 . 學校特色
      1-4 . 校歌校徽
      1-5 . 交通位置
      1-6 . 校園平面圖
2 . 行政團隊
      2-1 . 校長室
      2-2 . 教務處
            2-2-1 . 教學組
            2-2-2 . 註冊組
            2-2-3 . 設備組
            2-2-4 . 資訊組
      2-3 . 學務處
            2-3-1 . 訓育組
            2-3-2 . 生教組
            2-3-3 . 體育組
            2-3-4 . 衛生組
            2-3-5 . 午餐秘書
            2-3-6 . 健康中心
      2-4 . 總務處
            2-4-1 . 事務組
            2-4-2 . 出納組
            2-4-3 . 文書組
      2-5 . 輔導室
            2-5-1 . 輔導組
            2-5-2 . 資料組
      2-6 . 人事室
      2-7 . 會計室
      2-8 . 幼兒園
3 . 班級網站
4 . 行政章則
      4-1 . 教務處章則
      4-2 . 學務處章則
      4-3 . 總務處章則
      4-4 . 輔導室章則
      4-5 . 人事室章則
      4-6 . 會計室章則
5 . 宣導網站
      5-1 . 新冠肺炎防疫宣導
      5-2 . 調查局宣導
      5-3 . 健康上網
      5-4 . 性別平等教育宣導
6 . 個資相關
      6-1 . 個資保管一覽
      6-2 . 個資保護窗口
7 . 其他區
      7-1 . 申辦事項
      7-2 . 政府救助措施
      7-3 . 作息時間表
      7-4 . 常見問題
      7-5 . 行事簡曆和教科書
      7-6 . 下載區
      7-7 . 家長會
      7-8 . 資訊競賽得獎作品
8 . 午餐相關
      8-1 . 今日午餐
9 . English
      9-1 . GENERAL INFO
      9-2 . FEATURES
            9-2-1 . Green and sustainable school
            9-2-2 . Traditional Chinese Orchestra
            9-2-3 . Character Education
            9-2-4 . Reading Activities
      9-3 . HISTORY
      9-4 . SCHOOL WORKS
            9-4-1 . Principal's Office
            9-4-2 . Academic Affairs Office
                  9-4-2-1 . Section Of Teaching
                  9-4-2-2 . Section of Registration
                  9-4-2-3 . Section of Teaching Facilities
                  9-4-2-4 . Section of Information management
            9-4-3 . Student Affairs Office
                  9-4-3-1 . Section of Student Activity
                  9-4-3-2 . Section of Disciplinary
                  9-4-3-3 . Section of Hygiene
                  9-4-3-4 . Section of Physical Education
                  9-4-3-5 . Secretary of Lunch
                  9-4-3-6 . Health Center
            9-4-4 . General Affairs Office
                  9-4-4-1 . Section of General Affairs
                  9-4-4-2 . Section of Cashier
                  9-4-4-3 . Section of Documentation
            9-4-5 . Counseling Office
                  9-4-5-1 . Section of Guidance And Counseling
                  9-4-5-2 . Section of Data
            9-4-6 . Personnel Office
            9-4-7 . Accounting Office
      9-5 . LOCATION